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IDC-Unit-1- Understanding the environment
IDC Unit 2: Environmental systems
IDC Unit 3: Environmental vulnerability
IDC Unit 4: Environmental Health
IDC Unit 5: Sustainable development
IDC Unit 6: Disaster Management:
IDC Unit 7: Tools for addressing environmental challenges
IDC Unit 8:Environmental Management tools for Sustainable development
IDC in Environmental Science
IDC in Environmental Science
IDC-Unit-1- Understanding the environment
IDC-Unit-1-Carbon neutrality
IDC-Unit-1-Carbon neutrality
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◄ IDC-Unit-1-Environmental ethics-AM
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IDC-unit-1-Environmental ethics-PGS
IDC-Unit-1-carrying capacity-PGS
IDC-Unit-1-Ecological footprints-PGS
IDC-Unit-1-Environmental ethics-AM
IDC-Unit-1-Society and environment-PGS
IDC-Unit-1-Transdisciplinary approach-PGS
IDC-Unit-2:atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere-PGS
IDC-Unit-2: Biogeochemical cycles-PGS
IDC Unit 2:-Global heat budget-PGS
IDC-Unit-2-climate and weather-PGS
IDC Unit 2- Meteorological parameters-PGS
IDC-Unit-2-Biogeographical Realms,endemic species,exotic species etc-PGS
IDC unit-3-5Rs of waste management-PGS
IDC-Unit-3-Biodiversity loss-PGS
IDC-unit-3-Biodiversity loss-threats & conservation strategies-PGS
IDC-Unit-3-Circular economy-PGS
IDC-Unit-3-climate change-PGS
IDC-Unit-3-Env pollution, solid waste management-PGS
IDC-Unit-3-Environmental degradation-PGS
IDC-Unit-3-Solid waste management-PGS
IDC-Unit-3-Hazardous waste-management and treatment-PGS
IDC-Unit-3-IUCN Red List- PGS
IDC-Unit-3-Municipal Solid Waste & its management-PGS
IDC Unit 4-Vector borne diseases: Dengue and Malaria-PGS
Environmental Health-AM
IDC-Unit-4-Water borne and Vector borne diseases-AM
IDC-Unit-4- Environmental health-PGS
IDC-Unit-4- Occupational health and Health consequences of different occupations- Silicosis, Asbestosis-PGS
IDC-Unit-4-Basics of Xenobiotics-PGS
IDC-Unit-4-environmental risk factor-PGS
IDC-Unit-4-Water borne diseases-Cholera and Diarrhoeal diseases-PGS
IDC-Unit-4-Env and human health-Bengali-SG
IDC unit 5-Watershed management-PGS
IDC-Unit-5-Green industry-PGS
IDC-Unit-5-Sustainable Urban Development in India-PGS
IDC-Unit-5-Sustainable development-SG
IDC-Unit-5-Sustainable development-Bengali-SG
IDC-Unt-5-Sustainable energy-PGS
IDC unit-6- Kerala flood-PGS
IDC-Unit-6-Disaster & Hazard-AM
IDC-Unit-6-Bhopal gas tragedy-SG
IDC-Unit-6-Chernobyl disaster-PGS
IDC-Unit-6-Tropical cyclone-Bengali-SG
IDC-Unit-6-Disaster management-SG
IDC-Unit-6-Disaster management-Bengali-SG
IDC-Unit-6-Disaster prevention and preparedness-SG
IDC unit-7- waste water treatment-PGS
IDC-Unit-7-Applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Natural Resource Management-PGS
IDC-Unit-7-Coliform test-PGS
IDC-Unit-7-Soil Pollution-PGS
IDC-Unit-7-Valuation of environmental services-PGS
IDC-Unit-7-Air pollution control-SG
IDC-Unit-7-Occupational disease ,abatement technology for air pollution-Bengali-SG
IDC-Unit-7-Water parameter-Bengali-SG
IDC-Unit-7-Water parameter-English-SG
IDC unit-8-Ecolabelling and Ecomark-PGS
IDC-Unit-8-Life Cycle Assessment-PGS
IDC-Unit-8-Clean Development Mechanism-PGS
IDC-Unit-8-Convention on Biological Diversity, 1992-PGS
IDC-Unit-8-Copenhagen, 2009-PGS
IDC-Unit-8-Emissions Trading and the Polluter-Pays principle-PGS
IDC-Unit-8-Polluters Pay principle in India-PGS
IDC-Unit-8-Basel convention- at a glance-SG
IDC-Unit-8-Environment Management-Bengali-SG
IDC-Unit-8-Environmental Impact Assessment-SG
IDC-Unit-8-Environmental Management System-SG
IDC-Unit-8-Kyoto protocol-SG
IDC-Unit-8-Montreal Protocol-SG
IDC-Unit-8-Montreal,kyoto protocol-Bengali-SG
IDC-Unit-8-Paris agreement-SG
IDC-Unit-1-Society and environment-PGS ►